Many people plan on a particular career or job when they leave school or university and then forget about making a plan for future career goals and aspirations.
Writing for Yahoo! Finance, recruitment expert Simon Boulton said that many people leave things to chance. By the time they are ready to seek advice from a career recruitment specialist on how to achieve their career change or promotion, they haven’t done the work. They can’t understand why they are not earning a higher salary or are disappointed that they have been overlooked for a recent promotion.
To achieve successful career planning, Boulton advised that planning should be done on a regular annual basis. It’s important to start with a constructive review and reflection of the past steps already taken to help evaluate and plan out a future path.
It’s important to understand that a career is about continuous building rather than isolated jobs and instances. Boulton noted that, all too often, people forget about building their careers step by step, getting carried away by their emotions and by what seems like a good idea at the time. He cautioned that people end up making mistakes by impulsively rushing into jobs without assessing the impact this could have on their overall career.