
Please note that this blog is intended for the students and parents associated with MacGregor State High School. Please check areas of interest as seen on the blog to confirm dates and other information as there will be occasions when dates will change and the information may not be included in the blog as it may not have been received by the school. Posts prior to July 2021 may have reference to different schools as this blog was initially developed for students when I was the Guidance Officer at another school.

Saturday, 10 August 2013

New Iphone app for careers

A new smartphone app is now available to provide young people with up-to-date information about potential careers and job vacancies.
Created from a young person's perspective, the Career Hunter app 
directs user's attention to work options and jobs available in Queensland's most viable industries.
The app also allows students to find qualifications needed for each job, the expected income and career potential.
The Department of Education, Training and Employment; The Smith Family; Regional Development, Australia; Busy at Work and Group Training Australia worked together to develop the app.
All have signed a three-year partnership agreement to ensure information available through the app is current and relevant.
The app, which aligns with the department's five-year action plan - Great skills. Real opportunities, is now available from the Apple app store