EAP is open to school leavers and non-school leavers and considers the contribution they
have made to their community through school or workplace, local community organisations,
culture and/or religious groups.
Applications open: 13 August
Applications close: 21 October
For more info on eligibility or to apply visit: www.acu.edu.au/eap
Bachelor of Applied Public Health/Bachelor of Global Studies
Many young Australians are now taking the challenge of high school volunteer trips to developing countries such as Cambodia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Thailand. These experiences are highly rewarding and often life-changing, both for the students and the people they assist.
Starting in 2014, the Bachelor of Applied Public Health/Bachelor of Global Studies offers those students who have been inspired by volunteer experiences to pursue a career in International Public Health. This four-year double degree, to be introduced to Brisbane in 2014, combines training in Public Health and Global Development with access to national and international community development programs. “Global” is a key feature of this course, with a full semester placement in a community development setting (International or local) during the
third year of the program.
Bachelor of Exercise Science/Bachelor of Public Health
Current health promotion courses across Australia have only limited specific physical activity content, with no formal attention to recreation studies. Another new course to be introduced to Brisbane by the School in 2014, the Bachelor of Exercise Science/Bachelor of Public Health combines the strong, well-established and popular outdoor recreation or coaching major with ACU’s new public health curriculum. This will offer graduates the opportunity to
work in, or pursue further studies in health promotion, epidemiology, public health, sports administration, sports event management, health administration, corporate health and wellness, or occupational health. Graduates may also progress to higher degree studies in education.
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy, Bachelor of Speech Pathology
The School is also introducing the Bachelor of Occupational Therapy and the Bachelor of Speech Pathology in Brisbane in 2014 as part of the existing National programs in North Sydney and Melbourne. ACU’s Bachelor of Speech Pathology is the first national speech pathology program in Australia with students participating in video conferenced lectures enabling student interaction across the varied sites. These four-year degrees have 1,000 hours
of professional practice education embedded in the program starting in first year, some of which takes place in the on-campus clinics.
Bachelor of Exercise Science/Bachelor of Business Administration
Anecdotal evidence suggests that once graduates enter the workforce they have little time for further study in administration and many who commence postgraduate business studies without an undergraduate foundation in business find these studies difficult. This dual degree, coming to Brisbane in 2014, provides an extensive knowledge base of how the human body works, from a psychological, anatomical, physiological, motor control and biomechanical perspective, with a specific focus on the role of exercise in health, well-being and performance whilst preparing students for a career in business management.
Bachelor of Accounting and Finance
ACU Business is introducing a new specialist degree offering a comprehensive course in the theory and applications of accounting and finance. Offering a broader understanding of financial instruments, institutions, markets and systems the Bachelor of Accounting and Finance can lead to a career in banking, financial consulting and planning, funds management, merchant banking, stockbroking and treasury. This new degree has been designed in accordance with the accreditation standards of the CPA Australia, the ICAA, IPA plus the training standards in the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, ANZIIF and FINSIA.
Bachelor of Information Technology
The Bachelor of Information Technology provides a solid grounding in all aspects of IT followed by professional pathways in business analysis, database administration and applications development. The program is designed specifically to enable graduates to be recognised by the Australian Computer Society, the professional association for computer and IT practitioners in Australia. For more information visit: www.acu.edu.au/courses/2013/undergraduate/business