The suggestions below have been taken from the following KidsHelpline web page:
Practical ideas
to help your child cope with exam stress
Stick to a
routine of going to bed at a reasonable time, eating regularly and making time
to have fun and exercise
Cut back on
coffee or any other stimulants you may be using, as these can increase
agitation. Drink lots of water instead
Take time out
when you eat, rather than carrying on with study
Eat fresh
fruit, veggies, cereals, grains, nuts and protein - they are all good for the
brain and blood sugar levels.
Eat when you
get hungry. This keeps blood sugar and hydration levels steady
Avoid junk food
if possible because it will bring a sudden sugar high and then fall away
quickly leaving a person feeling tired
ideas to help your child cope with exam stress
Always try to
relax before you go to bed after concentrating for long periods of time.
Activities such as reading a book or chatting to a friend may help you unwind
and sleep better
Go out for a
walk, run or to do some other exercise that you enjoy
techniques can be very effective. For example, put on some gentle music, lie
down, close your eyes and breathe deeply while visualising a calming scene such
as a deserted beach
Try to
visualise success - this can really help with self-confidence
Ideas for exam
Organise and
pack everything that you need to take with you into the exam, the night before
Keep away from
people who may agitate you before the test or may say unhelpful,
anxiety-provoking comments
Take time to slow
your breathing and relax when you first sit down
Read through
the paper, underlining key words and instructions. Work out how long you have
for each question or section
Watch out for
the wording of the questions - make sure that you understand and address what
the question is really asking
Answer the
questions you find easiest first, then as you relax more move onto the other
ones (by then your mind has relaxed and you are likely to find the work easier)
Re-read answers
if possible and make any changes that are necessary - cross out notes, correct
spelling, check workings