With the possible introduction of the Doctor of Medicine (MD) program scheduled to replace the existing Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) in 2015 The University of Queensland will no longer be offering the three fast tracked duals Bachelor of Arts/MBBS, Bachelor of Health Sciences/MBBS and the Bachelor of Science/MBBS from 2013 onwards. All applicants, including Year 12 applicants will now be required to complete a minimum three year bachelor degree. Provisional entry into the proposed MD program will still be available for current school leavers.
Students should be aware that the MD program may have a number of prerequisites courses (e.g. anatomy, physiology and biochemistry) or at least recommendations, for study prior to the MD. The University is currently examining the issue of prerequisites, but acknowledges the possibility that it may not mandate them, choosing instead only to make recommendations about prior study subjects. Never the less, students are urged to consider a choice of first UQ degree that is likely to cover ‘pre-medical’ material that will assist with their MD studies.
Students wanting to undertake a program without any pre-medical content are not precluded from doing so. However, if any prerequisites or recommended prior study are approved for the MD, it is strongly recommended that students undertaking programs without any pre-medical material complete some anatomy, physiology and chemistry courses as electives in their undergraduate program. It is recognised that, due to the timing of the approval of these prerequisites or recommended prior study for the MD program, the first one or two years of entry into the new MD program (2015 and 2016) will require close, and possibly case by case management in regards to assessing the satisfaction of prerequisites or recommendations by applicants.
UQ Admissions information is available via: http://www.uq.edu.au/study/?page=73953. Further information regarding the proposed MD program is available via: