
Please note that this blog is intended for the students and parents associated with MacGregor State High School. Please check areas of interest as seen on the blog to confirm dates and other information as there will be occasions when dates will change and the information may not be included in the blog as it may not have been received by the school. Posts prior to July 2021 may have reference to different schools as this blog was initially developed for students when I was the Guidance Officer at another school.

Saturday, 19 May 2012

QTAC - Qld Tertiary Admissions Centre

Students can apply for courses commencing Semesters 1 & 2, 2013 from 1 August 2012. Information on courses, fees, key dates will be published in the new QTAC Guide and on the website from June 2012. The QTAC Guide 2013 listing courses and application information will be available to purchase from QTAC and newsagencies from June 2012.

EAS - Educational Access Scheme

EAS helps applicants who have experienced difficult circumstances while studying to gain entry to university. Click here for documentation requirements.

ATAR - Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank

Since 1996, Australian states and territories have certified their students for tertiary entrance via measures of overall achievement known as the Interstate Transfer Index (ITI). For many years, the ITI had been known as the UAI in NSW/ACT, the ENTER in Victoria, and TER in other states and territories of Australia. As of 2011 the ITI has one common nomenclature across Australia: the Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR). The ATAR is a number between 0 and 99.95 with increments of 0.05.

While Queensland continues to certify Queensland Year 12 students with OPs, the Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) also calculates an ATAR for OP students which can be used:
By interstate tertiary admissions centres for tertiary admissions purposes
Within Queensland for greater discrimination of applicants for a small number of highly competitive courses (ie after OPs and Field Positions have been used) and to select applicants for scholarships

OP ineligible Rank

The OP ineligible schedules for Queensland Year 12 students based on 2011 data are available on the QTAC website at: www.qtac.edu.au/Applying-CurrentYr12/2011NonOP.html.

Features of the OP ineligible rank:
OP ineligible ranks can be calculated with fewer than 20 semester units of subjects
Points values of Authority subjects are weighted according to achievement levels
‘Embedded’ and ‘standalone’ VET subjects are streamlined into one category of VET
Levels of units of competency are taken into account with higher level units contributing higher points values
The relative notional duration (number of hours) of a unit of competency is considered
Units of competency are aggregated to equate to semester units or portions of semesters

Trades and Traineeships

As advised in late 2009, changes were made to the assessment of trades and traineeships for tertiary admission from 1 July 2010.
Trades and traineeships which postdate the introduction of the AQF (ie 1995 onwards) are assessed on the appropriate certificate or diploma schedule for completed awards.

This means that an applicant with a Certificate III traineeship will be assigned a QTAC selection rank of 68 for the Certificate III qualification (not the rank 71 previously allocated for the completed traineeship). A Certificate II traineeship does not receive a QTAC selection rank as QTAC does not assign ranks to Certificate I and II qualifications.

Please note that this assessment practice is applicable for all categories of applicants including current Year 12 students and non Year 12s. QTAC will still be able to use the modules from all AQF certificate levels listed on the student’s Senior Statement in the calculation of the OP ineligible rank as noted above should this advantage the applicant.

Additional Qualifications

In addition to their Senior studies, many Year 12 students complete additional qualifications that may be assessed by QTAC for tertiary entry purposes. These qualifications include: Vocational Education and Training (VET) studies eg Certificate III and IV; Music, dancing and speech and drama qualifications eg AMEB completed 7th or 8th grade or Tertiary study eg START QUT. If students have additional qualifications that they would like considered by QTAC that are not listed on their Senior Statements, they should indicate this in their online application. There will be sections where they can list their qualifications, ie Certificate, Bridging, Tertiary, Professional qualifications.

If a qualification will be recorded on a student’s Senior Statement there is no need to document the qualification. QTAC will receive the information automatically through the Queensland Studies Authority.

If a qualification is not recorded on a student’s Senior Statement or they are completing Year 12 interstate or the IB, the student should submit the relevant documentation to QTAC. Upon lodgement of their application the student will be prompted to print a cover sheet to which they must attach a certified copy of the original document. Documentation must be submitted to QTAC by 17 December 2012 for inclusion in the 17 January 2013 offer round.

Study Costs

Students should refer to section 4 of the QTAC Guide when they receive it, for approximate tuition costs, listed by course. Depending on the institution, these fees may be indicative first year study costs, the entire course cost or cost per subject. The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) Going to Uni website, www.studyassist.gov.au provides information about the Australian higher education system, including information on education providers, courses and assistance provided by the Commonwealth Government such as HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP, VET FEE-HELP, and Commonwealth Scholarships. DEEWR can also be contacted by phone on 1800 020 108.

Twelve to Tertiary Payment Options

Payment can be prepaid, made online with a credit card or paid via BPAY®.
If an applicant would like to use BPAY® as their payment method, they should print out their BPAY® advice slip at the end of the application. Please note, by choosing this payment option applicants can then pay by any method, not only BPAY®. Payment can be made with cash, eftpos, money order, cheque, or credit card. Students who select BPAY® as the payment method should note that their application will not be considered for any offers and they will not have access to QTAC’s online services until payment is received by QTAC.

Year 12 Bonus Ranks

A number of QTAC’s institutions award bonus ranks for successful completion of Year 12 subjects such as Languages other than English (LOTE) and Maths C, and some university-level subjects. A current Year 12 applicant may potentially be awarded a combination of bonus ranks. The maximum number of bonus ranks awarded will depend on the institution. Further information is available on the QTAC website and will be published in the QTAC Guide.


Applicant Fee Category
New Fee 2012 - 2013
Application Processing fee (1 August 2012 to 28 September 2012)
Year 12 - TTT(Twelve to Tertiary)
Application Processing fee (1 October 2012 to 31 January 2013)
Year 12 - TTT
Change of Preference (Made via QTAC’s Current Applicant online service)
First three changes
Fourth and subsequent changes
$17.00 each
Separate document submission charge