
Please note that this blog is intended for the students and parents associated with MacGregor State High School. Please check areas of interest as seen on the blog to confirm dates and other information as there will be occasions when dates will change and the information may not be included in the blog as it may not have been received by the school. Posts prior to July 2021 may have reference to different schools as this blog was initially developed for students when I was the Guidance Officer at another school.

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Central Queensland University Information

Apply now to study SUN in July 2012

Start Uni Now (SUN) allows Year 11 and 12 students to study CQUniversity courses whilst still in high school. It’s an excellent opportunity for students to be more prepared for the transition to university, gain QCE credit and gain direct entry* into an undergraduate degree at CQUniversity.
Applications for study in Term 2, 2012 are now open. To find out more attend the upcoming Mid Year Information Drop-in Session.
When: Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Time: 4pm – 7pm
Where: All campuses or join us for a chat on-line at www.cqu.edu.au/study
For further information about SUN, visit www.cqu.edu.au/sun.

Discover Engineering at CQUniversity Bundaberg*

Commencing in 2013, CQUniversity will offer students the opportunity to study the first year of the Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Engineering (Coop)/Diploma of Professional Practice on-campus at CQUniversity Bundaberg. Students will benefit from staying close to home in their first year with the choice to continue their study by distance education** or on-campus at CQUniversity Rockhampton.
Click here for more information.
*Offering at CQUniversity Bundaberg subject to final University approval.
**Bachelor of Engineering (Coop)/Diploma of Professional Practice not available by distance education.

GECon Junior Delegate Program

CQUniversity invites year 12 students who may be considering a career in engineering to attend the morning session of CQUniversity's Graduating Engineers Conference. During the conference, junior delegates will have the chance to view our graduating students project presentations and posters, meet the Engineering academic team and talk with key industry stakeholders. Registrations are due by Friday, 1 June 2012. For more information or to register please visit www.cqu.edu.au/keydates.

CQUniversity Science Camp 2012

Tuesday, 26 June to Friday, 29 June 2012 -  CQUniversity Rockhampton
The 2012 Science Camp will be an opportunity for year 12 science students to meet like minded students from outside their own school, get a taste for university life, learn from the scientists at CQUniversity and participate in lots of fun activities. The four-day, three-night program will incorporate workshops and demonstrations exploring a range of topics within science, engineering and health. Registrations are due by Friday 1 June 2012. Please visit www.cqu.edu.au/keydates to download your registration pack today.

The Science Experience

Tuesday, 26 June to Thursday, 28 June 2012 - CQUniversity Rockhampton, Mackay & Bundaberg
Now hosted at three campus locations, including CQUniversity Bundaberg for the first time in 2012, The Science Experience is designed for students in year 9 and 10 to experience a three day program incorporating science, health and engineering related activities, presentations and workshops. This will be a great opportunity for students to come on-campus during the schools holidays and explore a wide range of career options, meet like minded students and learn about all that the University has to offer.
Registrations are due by Friday, 1 June 2012. Please visit www.scienceexperience.com.au to register.

GECon The CQ Engineering Link Project

Tuesday, 26 June to Thursday, 28 June 2012 - CQUniversity Rockhampton
The Central Queensland Engineering Link Project is a three-day program for year 11 and 12 students who are considering a career in engineering. The program includes a range of hands-on activities, workshops and talks from industry representatives and CQUniversity Engineers. Students also have the opportunity to stay on-campus at the
Student Residences and experience all that CQUniversity Rockhampton has to offer.
Registrations are due by Friday, 8 June 2012. Please visit www.telg.com.au to register.

STEPS Information

STEPS (Skills for Tertiary Education Preparatory Studies) can assist students who may not meet the prerequisite subjects for entry into their desired degree or need some additional support to gain the knowledge, confidence and skills to successfully undertake university study.

School leavers may consider STEPS if they have not qualified for an OP and can enter the program in the year that they turn 18. The standard full-time completion of STEPS is one term of 12 weeks.

If you or your students would like additional information on the STEPS program please visit  www.cqu.edu.au/steps or contact 13CQUni (13 27 86).