
Please note that this blog is intended for the students and parents associated with MacGregor State High School. Please check areas of interest as seen on the blog to confirm dates and other information as there will be occasions when dates will change and the information may not be included in the blog as it may not have been received by the school. Posts prior to July 2021 may have reference to different schools as this blog was initially developed for students when I was the Guidance Officer at another school.

Sunday, 20 August 2017

InspireU – Education

What is InspireU – Education?

InspireU – Education is a camp provided specifically for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, male and female, in Year 10, 11 and 12 in 2017 that have an interest in studying Education.

The camp is co-ordinated by staff from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit (ATSIS Unit) at The University of Queensland (UQ), St Lucia campus over five (5) days.

Students will participate in:
• Interactive workshops and lectures;
• Workplace visits;
• College stay; and
• Heaps more!

Students take part in a range of activities designed to provide a practical insight into education and the many opportunities for study and careers in this industry.

Accommodation is supervised, with separate accommodation for female and male students.


To be eligible to participate in InspireU Education, students must:
(a) Be of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent;
(b) Be enrolled in schooling in Year 10, 11 or Year 12 in 2017;
(c) Be enrolled in Overall Position (OP) subjects and eligible for an OP score; and
(d) Have school attendance rate of 90% or greater.

Preference will be given to students currently studying at least one or more of either Math A/B or C, English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics. Please note that you do not need to be studying all the above listed subjects.

Students will be selected from a competitive process and will be assessed on their academic standing in addition to their attendance and behaviour.