
Please note that this blog is intended for the students and parents associated with MacGregor State High School. Please check areas of interest as seen on the blog to confirm dates and other information as there will be occasions when dates will change and the information may not be included in the blog as it may not have been received by the school. Posts prior to July 2021 may have reference to different schools as this blog was initially developed for students when I was the Guidance Officer at another school.

Sunday, 29 April 2018

From the Foundation of Young Australians

The following information is from the FYA
Intelligence is no longer just about your IQ
Intelligence can be measured in many ways, so how can we teach our young people to engage intellectually but also develop their emotional and critical intelligence? READ MORE
What we've been reading...
TAFE and Uni - it's time to reset the funding model in entirety Go >
Participation in tertiary education in Australia Go >
How to pick a career (that actually fits you) Go >
 Visit the Foundation for Young Australians at https://www.fya.org.au/