
Please note that this blog is intended for the students and parents associated with MacGregor State High School. Please check areas of interest as seen on the blog to confirm dates and other information as there will be occasions when dates will change and the information may not be included in the blog as it may not have been received by the school. Posts prior to July 2021 may have reference to different schools as this blog was initially developed for students when I was the Guidance Officer at another school.

Thursday, 27 July 2017

ADF Women in Army Adventure Camp

Defence Force Recruiting's "Women in Army Adventure Camp" will be held from 18th - 20th September 2017 at Lavarack Barracks, Townsville and applications are now open.

Supported by the 3rd Brigade and the Defence Work Experience Program, the Women in Army Adventure Camp will expose female students to a range of Army careers through activities, presentations, visits and displays from several 3rd Brigade units based at Lavarack Barracks. 

Students will be accommodated on base for the duration of the camp and all meals will be provided, at no cost to the student.  For successful students who reside outside the Townsville area, their parent/guardian will be responsible for organising transport to and from Townsville, as the ADF cannot assist with these aspects.

Further information about the camp and the application process is on the DWEP website, see this link. Please see Jenny in B13 if you have any further questions.