What are the Seize the Day Study Awards?
The Seize the Day Study Awards are financial grants of $200 to $2500 to help with the costs of post-secondary education such as tuition fees, accommodation, textbooks or stationery.
Who can apply?
You can apply for a Seize the Day Study Award if:
- You are between 16 years to 21 years inclusive at the date of application;
- You are a permanent Queensland resident;
- You or a close family member, therefore your paternal mother or father, your step mother or father, your legal guardian, or your sibling must have been diagnosed with cancer; and
- You are planning to commence or continue post-secondary school education in 2016. Post-secondary school education includes undergraduate university, TAFE college, tertiary college or a vocational training centre program. The study must be based in Queensland and
can be full-time, part-time or external.