ADF Gap Year program provides an opportunity for young Australians, who have
finished year 12 (or equivalent) and are aged between 17 and 24, to experience
military training and lifestyle whilst gaining new skills and pay over their
Gap Year.
Gap Year opportunities are available in the Navy, Army and Air Force.
The life skills and job training that you will acquire during your Gap Year experience will be valuable regardless of what career you ultimately undertake.
Gap Year will commence in January/February 2016.
include: Navy Gap Year, Army Gap Year
(Administration Clerk, Artilleryman, Driver, Rifleman, Unit Quartermaster) and
Air Force Gap Year.
completing basic recruit training and your specific trade training, you'll be
immersed in the Navy, Army or Air Force lifestyle while continuing to learn on
the job. You'll learn valuable skills, meet new friends and may even receive
recognised qualifications to help progress your future career.
To find out more information about the ADF Gap Year program please visit
The Australian Defence Force (ADF) Gap Year will be opening at 9am on Monday 2nd March 2015. Applications must be received online.