Further to my previous communications, I am writing to clarify the changes to some of the Certificate II and III qualifications currently offered to TAFESEC students.
There has been considerable change to the courses offered to high school students. As of the 1st of July, 2014, funding has been withdrawn from all Certificate III programs and some Certificate II programs. NQTAFE can only continue to offer these qualifications to students who have commenced their studies AND completed a unit of competency prior to 30 June 2014. Therefore, TAFE ask for that potential students be aware of the following key dates:
- SIT30112 - Certificate III in Tourism – Classes start on 12 of Jun 10:30 to 3.30pm
- SIT30612 - Certificate III in Events – Enrolment and participation available now.
- SIH20111 - Certificate II in Hairdressing - Classes start on 5 June
Any student who dies not enrol and participate in their studies by the 30th June 2014 will not be eligible to receive the current government funding and will need to pay full fees for their course.