Extension Program Information Evening
The Extension Program Information Evening is an ideal opportunity for students and their parents to have their questions answered by Extension Program staff, the academics that teach Extension subject areas, and past Extension Program students.
When: Wednesday 23 October
6.00pm — 8.00pm
Where: Carillo Gantner Theatre,
Sidney Myer Asia Centre
University of Melbourne
Parkville campus
Register online for the Information Evening, at: www.futurestudents.unimelb.edu.au/umep
International students currently studying Year 12 in Australia can book an individual 30-minute consultation to talk with University staff.
Students can discuss their study options, the application and change of preference process, how the VTAC system works, our international support services and all things they want to know about studying at the University of Melbourne.
Dates: Every Wednesday afternoon
from2 October until 18 December 2013.
Appointments are available from 2.00pm — 5.00pm.
Where: University of Melbourne
Parkville campus
For more information, visit:
Registrations are essential.
International students can make an appointment by emailing:
Students are asked to please provide the following information in their registration email:
- Name
- School
- Year level
- Course interests
- Preferred date and time.