
Please note that this blog is intended for the students and parents associated with MacGregor State High School. Please check areas of interest as seen on the blog to confirm dates and other information as there will be occasions when dates will change and the information may not be included in the blog as it may not have been received by the school. Posts prior to July 2021 may have reference to different schools as this blog was initially developed for students when I was the Guidance Officer at another school.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Youth Off The Streets 2013 National Scholarship Program

Youth Off The Streets invites nominations for the 2013 National Scholarship Program

Aim of the Program
In 1991, Father Chris Riley founded Youth Off The Streets with the mission of providing all young people with the opportunity to achieve their greatest potential and to break the cycle of poverty, disadvantage and marginalisation.

At Youth Off The Streets the belief is that all young people should be given the chance to achieve their best. Through our Scholarship Program support will be given to those young people who show the potential and desire to further their talents, but who without assistance would struggle to move forward.

The Youth Off The Streets Scholarship Program gives young people throughout Australia the opportunity to make their dreams a reality.

How does the program work?
Nominations for the Youth Off The Streets Scholarship Program are not restricted to a specific study or training path. Nominations are invited from young people with genuine talent, ability and determination in any education or training course, including (but not limited to): academic skills; visual or performing arts; sport; trade skills; and music. The wide-ranging vocational goals pursued by the scholarship recipients will encourage other disadvantaged young people to follow their dreams.

Scholarship funds can be used to pay for educational course fees and also for support costs such as equipment, uniform, textbooks and stationery to ensure that the scholarship recipients have every possible opportunity to reach their goals.

In 2013 over twenty young people from throughout Australia will be provided with scholarships of $5,000 each.

Scholarship nominations are shortlisted internally by Youth Off The Streets before final selection by the Selection Committee. The Youth Off The Streets Selection Committee, comprising of individuals from varying professional backgrounds and expertise, will assess the nominations and select suitable young people to receive scholarships. The Selection Committee will be looking for young people who possess genuine talent or skill and who can demonstrate a clear path to further their talents with support from the Youth Off The Streets Scholarship Program. Scholarships will be awarded to those young people who have a genuine need for financial assistance.

Support network
Along with financial assistance, Youth Off The Streets will match each scholarship recipient with a mentor for the duration of their scholarship, to provide support and guidance to help them to achieve their goals. For recipients not residing in NSW, Youth Off The Streets offers an innovative e-mentoring program, where mentors and mentees are in touch regularly.

Scholarship recipients will develop a Pathway Plan with Youth Off The Streets for the use of their scholarship funds. Scholarship funds will be paid in installments over two years, depending on the individual circumstances of each recipient.

Successful nominees will be notified in June 2013.

Criteria for nomination
  • Nominations for the 2013 Scholarship Program are being taken from all states in Australia
  • Nominees must be between the ages of 16 and 21 on 5 April, 2013
  • Nominees must be citizens or permanent residents of Australia
  • Nominations may be made on behalf of a young person, or by a young person themselves
  • A young person may only be nominated for one scholarship per year
  • The young person nominated must have a clear need for financial assistance
  • Scholarship recipients will be required to identify a Pathway Plan, which clearly shows their goals and how the scholarship money would be used
  • All nominations must include at least one reliable, independent referee letter, confirming the personal circumstances and talent or skill of the young person nominated.
  • Successful nominees must have an external person who is an adult e.g. Parent/guardian, case worker, teacher, youth worker, coach, who regularly consult with the Scholarship Program staff on their progress.
To view the full terms and conditions for your nomination, click here.

How to Nominate
 Making a nomination for the Youth Off The Streets Scholarship Program is easy!
  • Complete the nomination form - printing in capital letters clearly in black or blue pen or complete online
  • Answer questions in as much detail as possible.  The Selection Committee will want to see that there is a clear idea for use of funds, as well as genuine need for assistance
  • Attach your independent written reference (cannot be nominator or any family relation)
  • Ensure that you have read and understood the Nomination and Terms and Conditions
  • You must remember to sign the nomination form or tick the declaration online.  Unsigned or unticked nomination forms will not be considered
    Click here to complete an online nomination form

    Click here to download and print a nomination form and send via:
    Mail:   Scholarship Program
              Youth Off The Streets
              PO Box 6025
              ALEXANDRIA NSW 2015

    or fax: (02) 9693 1599

    For any queries phone: (02) 9330 3500 or