The Australian Dental Association (Queensland Branch) is proud to announce the date claimer for our annual Explore the Field of Dentistry Student Workshop. This course is suitable for year 9-12 students who are interested in exploring the option of working within the dental sector at any capacity. The course will be held at ADAQ Bowen Hills Queensland from the 24th – 27th of September 2012 at a cost of $430 per student. Limited places are available.
An e-mail has been sent to year 9 – 12 students with the workshop Enrolment Form, Course Outline and Information Booklet. For future reference, this information can also be accessed at under the ‘Training’ tab.
Please see Jenny in the Guidance Office if you have questions or contact Michelle Bouwhuis, Learning & Development Consultant at ADAQ Recruitment Services, Australian Dental Association (Queensland Branch) on (07) 3251 2160 or e-mail