Senior students are invited to attend this exciting one-day conference at the St Lucia campus on this contemporary and controversial topic.
The conference, Boats, Camps and Barbed Wire Fences - Forced Migration and the Law, will be an interactive exploration of complex contemporary human rights challenges facing the global community, focusing on armed conflict, displaced persons and refugees.
Through a combination of keynote lectures, workshops facilitated by UQ academic staff and students, and a storytelling session, students will engage with the global, regional, and local dimensions of refugee and humanitarian law issues. The day will conclude with an expert panel discussion and Q&A with the audience chaired by Paul Barclay from ABC Radio National. The panel discussion will be recorded for broadcast. This conference has specially been designed for students in Years 11 and 12.
Date: Friday 13 April, 2012 (last Friday of school holidays)
Time: 9am (registration) - 4.30pm (lunch will be provided)
Fee: The event is free of charge however places are limited
Phone: (07) 3366 7851 (Dr Peter Billings, TC Beirne School of Law